9-dekabr – Xalqaro korrupsiyaga qarshi kurash kuni
“O‘zagrosug‘urta” AJda 9-dekabr – Xalqaro korrupsiyaga qarshi kurash kuniga bagʻishlangan “Aksilkorrupsiya oyligi” doirasida “Ochiq eshiklar kuni” …
Shirift o‘lchami:
Kattalashtirish va kichraytirish:
Enter your policy details and get detailed information
Enter the license plate number of the vehicle
Accident insurance
nsurance of household property of the population
Enter the citizen's passport information
Other tyoes of inrance
“Uzagrosugurta“ Joint Stock Company
“O‘zagrosug‘urta” AJda 9-dekabr – Xalqaro korrupsiyaga qarshi kurash kuniga bagʻishlangan “Aksilkorrupsiya oyligi” doirasida “Ochiq eshiklar kuni” …
As previously noted, starting from September 1, 2024, the issuance of insurance policies has been fully electronic. Based on this, Uzagrosugurta JSC has updated its platform for…
Xabar berganimizdek Toshkent davlat iqtisodiyot universiteti va “O‘zagrosug‘urta” aksiyadorlik jamiyati o‘rtasida tuzilgan o‘zaro hamkorlik memorandumiga ko&l…
«O‘zagrosug‘urta» AJ — Yillar davomida oqlangan ishonch!
Insurance centers
Company success